Sunday, October 17, 2010

how do i explain

how do i explain
the sunset
when she drapes herself elegant
climbing through tree limbs
still green with summer
dappling brick buildings
causing brown to change to burnt sienna

how do i explain
a solitary leaf
each vein sprawling
as arteries and veins
spreading life
throughout one being

how do i explain
the rushing wind
as she kisses my cheeks
gracing my face
as the touch of an angel
on a summer's eve

how do i explain watching you
atop a mountain range
your stoic jawline
staring into infinity
your brown eyes
in craggy embankments
trees, grass and dirt

how do i explain my love for you
this universe we share
this world
one and many
from past and beyond
present and future

it is how one would explain a science
of chemistry and emotion
all six senses alive and acute
stirring and spinning
as Autumn leaves unberthed from their rest

it is as difficult to explain my love for you
as simple as it is to love you
for it is all of man and woman, simultaneous

my love, your eyes
they recognize my own
as dirt knows grass
and water knows rock

your limbs are my legs
my tresses your leaves
your gaze my sunshine
my body, your breath

i do not need to explain
for you understand
but i can compare
all of nature and her beauty


no matter where you may be

i am with you

©  Susan Marie 2010

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