Wednesday, January 8, 2014

My poem, my prayer

On Audio Here

The leaves
like years,

My palms
to the naked sky

and I beseech Thee

The skies are turning
into snowclouds
above the Eastern skyline
while the trees
are still green
and tender

Do you know
that when I lie down
at night
the wind,
she whispers names

I almost know them
by heart,
this song

My poem, my prayer

It's like a music box
that plays continuous
inside my chest
behind my sternum
sending blood
to my organs and limbs
sustaining life

If only
My poem, my prayer
were heard by one
gifted with sight
to recognize the light
of You
that resides within me

To feel the energy
of the Earth
alive within my breath

To look into my eyes
and know
that I am
a sentient being

To see my beauty
like one sees rivers and lakes
and stands
in absolute awe
of the wonder
of creation

Dear God,

How many poems and prayers
must I write
before I am seen
by those
who recognize

© Susan Marie  

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