Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Birth of a Poem

Audio Here

it seems
as if
i am
screaming into the void
when i
or mention anything remotely

it seems as if we
are that much more
deaf, dumb, and blind
and anything positive

it seems as if
i have woken up -
told myself to:

"shut off the brain
and to never engage
in thoughtful discussion."

it seems as if
i am dreaming

dreaming of a place
where people practice kindness
and compassion

where people stand together
in solidarity
not apart

where ribbons fly in majestic colors
representing us all
as one

and in this dream
there is no hate
no borders
no nations
where leaders corrupt
no media
to corrupt

no people who allow
their minds to be corrupted

by anything



© Susan Marie 2013

And the sun, she shines

How does one define the universe
revolving, continuous, uninterrupted
lone spheres of energy
like galaxies and constellations
made by the hand of God
placed in the midnight sky
shining as diamonds to the naked human eye?

How does one state existence
the beating of one human heart
the diaphragm as it lifts, then lowers
sending oxygen to arteries and veins
a lifeline, a network of all networks
one that gives life
sustains mind, body and spirit?

How do I explain a connection
similar to the universe
her constellations, the galaxies
the human heart, beating?

It seems no such words exist in human form.

I have attempted to define
a most rare bonding
yet no words compare.

They fall cold and meaningless when spoken.

It is as if one must look above
to the great eye of heaven
and below
to the silt and dirt of Earth
and to the side
as the wind whispers secrets with each breath
and to the night, as she arrives
like a lovers embrace
a shared understanding
that all that exists is alive
and within this world there are people, rare
who, like the stars
shine for a moment
an hour
a lifetime
bringing each of us exactly what we need
at the hour of utmost human suffering.

It is at such times
it is impossible to defy
that God places lighthouses for us, ships out of port
an SOS back home, through one another.

And you, my brother, my love, my friend
are indeed a diamond, a constellation
a blade of grass, the whispering breeze
the mighty ocean, the silt and dirt of Earth
and the prestigious eye of heaven as she shines.

It is your spirit that has greeted mine
although miles apart, in this lifetime
you are right by my side
and I am no longer alone.

It is you, a part of me
where there is nothing left to define
no language necessary
an immense silence that speaks
without uttering a solitary word.

And it is within this place
I have found you, and you, me

And together,

We find ourselves.

© Susan Marie 2013

Friday, February 1, 2013

Where Your Headaches Hide

If we we were to


we would make it in a way
that no being can ever comprehend

and it will feel like

as that of God
like nature
and sunshine

a leaf
in Autumn

I will place my lips
on your brow
and kiss away your worries
and then upon your eyelids
where your headaches hide

And this union
of two souls
will be a most grand masterpiece
that can never be shown
in any gallery
nor sold
at any auction

For this work of art
made solely by four palms
shall be melded in clay
as two bodies
sculpted as one,

An artists epiphany.


© Susan Marie 2013