Monday, February 13, 2012

This is my blessing, this is my curse

My Lord, you gifted me with sight so that I may be able to close my eyes. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

The compassionate heart You have bestowed upon me, is coiled, ready to strike, as a rattler. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

The mind You have filled with wonder seeks truth within lies. It turns 'round upon itself. This is my blessing, this is my curse. 

These limbs, so frail. The voice You provided me with is thunderous. And yet, this is my blessing, this is my curse.

My back feels broken, God. It pains me to carry weights and this path is but partially spent. This is my blessing, this is my curse. 

This night, Your gift. The Angels sigh sweet slumbers. When dawn breaks, it will be silent. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

The spirit You have filled inside of this frame, I fear, is too strong for it's own skeleton. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

I wish to sleep eternal in wonder. It's lovely there, yet You shake dreams from my tresses. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

I know not any outcome of this existence, yet as I fall, I brush off, stand and keep walking. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

The Angels that sing to me now, send them to souls that never heard Your beautiful trills. This is my blessing, this is my curse.

I shall rest in trust and love knowing that what I write is read by you, Creator. For words are my blessing, and words are my curse.

© Susan Marie 2012