Friday, January 14, 2011

Angry Butterfly (Thanks Aamir)


AamirSuch a fiery being, can we call her  "Angry Butterfly?"
For me, name a of butterfly is just the color she's wearing or the sensation she brings. 

angry butterfly
you wear the crown of passion

your coat rich with blood
flown from far away lands
where people have loved and lost

oh angry butterfly, named here,
for this, you, now,
your presence is that of majestic tapestry
sewn by the fragile hands of angels

don't you realize how rare you are, oh angry butterfly?

you have been named thus,
not for the definition
nor emotion of anger
but for the beauty you bring
with each flutter beat of your wings
and split second fancy
of your colors in flight

you are fire and wind, unbridled
angry butterfly
you are the volcanic rush
of a million archaic voices
who once sketched their thoughts
on walls in stone

angry butterfly
do not stay
i know you wish to
for you belong to all of nature

fly now, go

bring enlightenment to those who suffer

to those who know not


© Susan Marie 2011
(Thanks Aamir Muneer)

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