Sunday, October 31, 2010

I Am Spirit

I am universe
a thoroughbred on fire

Vesuvius exploding
of age old stories
told by firelight

dancing flames of mouths of ancestors
ring in my
external auditory meatus
creating intense magnetic fields
between both palms
placed upon ears

a circuit to free my thinking brain
from onslaught of data, technology, information,
fear, love, death, hate and all that exists
in divine ugliness and beauty

this universe encompasses
all that is, was, that will be
and I, human, here and now
am spirit

I am spirit, I say
and stand and scream
opening my lungs to this most holy sky
and it blazed like photogenic supernovas
across my inner eyelids
closed, sleeping, awake
my still small hands shake
beneath starry skies in eve

For I am spirit
in this shell
on this Earth,
existing in a Universe

as human. 

© Susan Marie 2010 

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