Sunday, October 17, 2010


Gods own finger
pointed westward
towards a silent city still life
where cirrus shields
of angelic gray matter
all of the wonders of creation
deep within their bosoms

it spread for miles
only seen by those of "knowing"
yet i saw the great golden thrush
of Gabriel and Michael
glinting swords of spirit sight
silver gilt tipped wings
age old wisdom

an orchestral psalm
in my sky
your sky

my eyes bore witness
as if this were a dream
a paradigm
a mirror of my soul in sky
flat lined

for hours i gazed

Allah, so wondrous
your fiery belly is alight
with volcanic thrushes
so freely you give to me your heart
in palms of immense majestic acrylics

my sternum pulls forward
towards you, magnetic
as my head rests on two palms

before me

the great unknown
that i know
my sunset

your eyes


© Susan Marie 2010

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