Monday, August 9, 2010

Spectrum Theory

I have always disagreed with the theory of black and white and spectrums. 

If you research how the colors are described it states:  Black is the color of objects that do not reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum.

Scientifically, a black object absorbs all the colors of the visible spectrum and reflects none of them. This is sometimes confused with black being called 'a mixture of all colors', but that is not the case.  In fact, an object emitting or reflecting all colors is perceived as white. Sometimes black is described as an "achromatic color"; in practice, black can be considered a color, e.g., the black cat or black paint.  Black is the lack of all colors of light

They say black is not a mixture of all colors yet absorbs all colors, reflecting no colors. I disagree that black is a lack of all colors.   If black absorbs all colors then black invites all colors (as one would take on positive or negative energy) so if black absorbs all colors taking them in, how can black lack all colors? Black INVITES all colors therefore all the colors are absorbed into black.

White is the combination of all the colors of the visible light spectrum. It is sometimes described as an achromatic color, like black.

White is technically achromatic, and not a color, since it has no hue. The impression of white light can be created by mixing appropriate intensities of the  primary colors of light — red, green, blue.

Ok so above:   (black is a color, white is not yet they are both achromatic -->  Any color that lacks strong chromatic content is said to be unsaturated, achromatic, or near neutral. Pure achromatic colors include black, white and all grays. How can they both be achromatic when one is a color and one is not?  Black has hue, white does not. An object emitting or reflecting all colors is perceived as white.   White is not a color since it has no hue.

White is only a color when other things are added or mixed to it.  White can emit or reflect colors but cannot absorb them.  Thus, never inviting any colors inside, rather sending them outward.   To me, white will never truly be a color because it stands alone and without pigment is just white.  

Black absorbs all colors - inviting them, White reflects all colors sending them out.  To me, it is an oxymoron to compare black and white.  They have different properties and functions. 

A spectrum can be defined as:  a distribution.   A common list identifies six main bands:  red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Newton's conception included a seventh color, indigo, between blue and violet  (ROYGBIV)

So, a spectrum is a distribution of colors.   Black is a color, white is not a color.   Black absorbs all colors, white emits them. 

Black being a color that absorbs all colors then can be a part of a spectrum where white cannot because white needs a spectrum in order to be a color.  BLACK actually IS a spectrum of color.  WHITE needs black in order to become a color because black absorbs all colors.  White can never be a spectrum.

White is white without black.   Black is black without white.

How can black be a color and white not be a color when you need white to lighten black?  To me, white added to black allows it to be a color because it lightens black.

Red cannot lighten black, only white.   Black takes all colors - colors added to white makes other colors.

White is devoid of color - black has all color.   One cannot exist without the other because if we only had white we would have no color and if we only had black we would have no color.  What then happens to the colors themselves?  Do they have a voice?  Why does black and white dominate the beauty of a spectrum?  Red, yellow and blue (RYB) can mix all colors.  Primary.  Newton and daVinci would agree.

So then, when thinking of all things, why do we focus intently on black and white when in reality, one should focus on red, yellow and blue because these 3 colors - without them, we would have no color, rather one specific color. 

Black to me IS color - white is absence of color and if you define these colors they say that black is the abscence of color and NO it is not, it absorbs them all - white reflects them absorbing nothing.

This theory of black being absent of color fails.  

Black to me is this:  R  O  Y  G  B  I  V  = BLACK   

R O  Y  G   B  I  V  cannot be WHITE  (white needs ROYGBIV to even BE a color.)

This fails . . . Black IS color - all color . . . a spectrum unto itself.  White is nothing without other colors.  White cannot be a spectrum because it has no color while black IS a spectrum.   The irony is that one cannot exist without the other.  

Good vs. evil

Black vs. white

light vs. dark

life vs. death

Take your pick . . . WHY is black associated with everything bad and white with everything good when black is the color that has all colors and white has no color whatsoever and can only BE a color with the help of other colors?   If you take survival, white would die.  White cannot survive without all of the rest but black can, black can thrive, it actually holds all colors but they cannot always be seen.  

White needs black to survive and black needs white to progress.

Why then is black a color while white is not and black is considered a lack of all colors?

Why is it that these two dominate all colors? 

Why are we so focused on black and white when in between lies beauty?  

© Susan Marie 2007

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